
Diversity Partners Is Live!

Northeast ADA Center Staff March 30, 2017

Now available! Diversity Partners helps employment service professionals improve their overall excellence in serving job seekers with disabilities, and to leverage existing business relationships to benefit those job seekers.......

Weather Not So Delightful: Snow Removal and the ADA

Northeast ADA Center Staff March 13, 2017

As winter hangs on here in the Northeast, snow can be a challenge for businesses and a barrier for individuals with disabilities. Snow plowed into the access aisle of an accessible parking space, or a curb cut not being shoveled can prevent someon......

Diversity Partners Is Going Live!

Northeast ADA Center Staff March 07, 2017

You told us what you needed, and we created it for you! The Diversity Partners project website contains no-cost online toolboxes for leadership and frontline staff, sup......

The ADA and Small Business Owners: What You (Really) Need to Know

Jennifer Lin Perry February 16, 2017

“I own a small business that is grandfathered from the ADA because our building is old. Sure, I would like to be more accessible, but legally I’m not required to make any changes because my business is “pre-ADA&rdqu......

Issues, Impacts, and Implications of an Aging Workforce

Jeffrey Tamburo December 20, 2016

Differences challenge assumptions. —Anne Wilson Schaef What comes to mind when you think about getting older? Often it is assumed that aging brings a host of health problems and limitations. Yet, according t......

Siblings of people with disabilities are important!

Northeast ADA Center Staff December 01, 2016

An exciting initiative in New York focuses on enhancing and expanding available resources and making connections among adult siblings of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The brand new ...

NY State Independent Living Council Presidential Post-Election Poll

Northeast ADA Center Staff November 10, 2016

The New York State Independent Living Council, Inc. (NYSILC) is conducting its third Presidential post-election poll. All registered voters who participated in the recent election are encouraged to respond. This is a confidential, non-partisan pol......

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